举办地点: 北美洲 - 美国 - 纽约
展会行业: 眼镜
美国光学眼镜展VISION EXPO NEW YORK是美国乃至美洲地区专业的国际光学展,是进入美洲市场的唯一平台,由励展博览集团与美国视力协会合办。此展会是国际眼镜行业高端技术交流的盛会,是北美眼镜市场具规模和影响力的盛会,同时也是帮助你进入一个产业规模达286亿美元的眼科保健行业市场的盛会。美国东部国际光学展将展示国际眼镜行业高端的技术,超前的概念化设计,优秀的产品以及未来的流行趋势。而身为全球时尚之都的纽约,作为举办城市,势必吸引数量巨大的买家。2017年展展览情况,参展厂商:786家(来自全球97个国家或地区);参观买家:30000多位(来自全球95个国家地区),其中有来自北京、丹阳、温州、泰州、厦门、广东、上海等地的中国企业参展,产品类型涵盖眼镜架、镜片、太阳镜、老花镜、眼镜盒、眼镜链等。
免责声明 :以上展会信息均来源网络,具体排期以官网实际为准,立观不负责核实展会开展时间等相关事宜。
World Top 500 chose our us
Exhibition design and building service hotline:400-6179-888
Official builder
Five Expo builders; the construction projects and construction area of the first Expo rank first in the industry
400 K+
The construction area of projects at home and abroad is more than 400,000, more than 100 venues, the number of construction projects and the total amount of area in the field of exhibition design and construction
106 countries
Service network covers 106 countries, 602 cities around the world, and has reached long-term strategic cooperation with more than 200 hosting venues in Asia, Europe, North America
100 bits+
has 100 industry designers, serving more than 70% of the world s top 500 companies and more than 400 government agencies, and has won more than 60 design awards
One stop service
One-stop booth design, planning and operation, empower the exhibition marketing from multiple angles, open up the whole industry chain, and provide one-stop design and construction service experience